Saturday, February 13, 2010

Practice makes permanent.

My step father used to tell me that that old saying, "Practice makes perfect," is crap. He always taught me that practice made permanent, meaning if you practiced something wrong, then you would always do it wrong. Makes sense, right ?

So, recently i've began a new excursion and decided that i was going to add, "piano," to my list of exuberant credentials. The only problem is that instead of committing myself to it steadily, i'd rather rely on the hope that someday i'll just wake up with the ability to rock it. I'm being battered on a daily basis, "Have you practiced your piano today?" "You should really be practicing piano!" and all of this talk has got me thinking, what else should I be practicing?

I want to start making an effort to be a good a christian everyday. I want to seek the Lord in all I do. He should be on my mind at all times, behind every decision and beside every defeat. If I have to talk to God more, plunge myself deeper into the word, pray harder or reach out further than I'll do it. I think i'd like to start setting goals for myself, small things to accomplish on a daily or weekly basis. Things like sharing God with my friends who've never experienced his glory, forgiving those who have hurt me, helping those who would never ask or even just spending more time with the Father. I'm going to start telling myself to do these things so that eventually they will just come naturally. If practice makes permanent and everyone is striving for perfection, than i'm going to practice being like Jesus. I will shine with love.

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