Saturday, January 9, 2010

Perfect Timing

Acts 1:7 (The Message)

7-8He told them, "You don't get to know the time. Timing is the Father's business. What you'll get is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world."

Timing is a crucial part of our lives. We like to plan, schedule and route out our every day adventures in a orderly fashion. We like to be in control, the captain of our own ships, travelling maps that we've chartered for ourselves. The reality of the situation as we know it, is however that we aren't actually in control at all. And, if we are, then the path that we're travelling is one that is doubtful to lead to the destination intended for us. I believe that God placed within each of our hearts desires and goals for a reason, and if you don't act on those ambitions or chase those dreams than you're not living to your full potential. All of these things have a purpose, and are meant to be pursued at a certain time. Sometimes we have things going on in our lives that pop up at inappropriate times, and we don't want to deal with them, or we become unsure which signs to follow and we get conflicted. Follow your heart. It may not be what you had been intending, or what you had hoped for, but God has different plans, greater plans and His timing is far more precise than we'll probably ever realize.

Timing is the Father's business.

It becomes apparent to us, at a very young age that communication is key to our survival. We learn pretty quickly how to tell our parents our essential needs, even developing different kinds of cries to that help our care taker distinguish between things like hunger and pain. Some of us learn later in life, in a more gradual manner that our words and means of communication can unlock vaults and realms in our world. God never intended for the world to have it's own definition of beauty, we are all beautiful, because God made us in his image. Yet, we see and judge each other based on appearance and visual qualities. The purest way to truly know a human being is through the power or speech and words. They can let you inside their mind, spirit, soul and ambitions. It's an interaction on an entirely differant level. Same applies with God. We have to communicate our thoughts and fears with our Father in order to know what He makes of them. How often do you listen, really listen to what He's trying to tell you in your life? How often do you pray, straight from the depths of your heart, being honest and whole with your Lord? Tell Him your hungers, share your pain, let our your cries.

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