Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Creativity is a curious gift. Some of us are overflowing with the ability to look at the world in different lights, and paint it according to our own sense of emotion. Other's simply can't, because they're more straight forward, practical beings. Even those of us who have an imagination can't always use it. We get lost for words or uninspired. It's frustrating, having all of the tools and not being sure what to do with them. Sitting in from of a canvass with paint, unsure where to move the brush. Being at a desk with pen to paper without words flowing from your hand. And yet it happens, to everyone at times in life that we find ourselves unable to perform. Stuck if you would. Be it , on a math question, delivering a speech, playing an instrument or any manner of life.

As a christian, at the moment, I feel stuck. The world is at my reach, my God is great and He's given me all of the tools I need to live a life that leads to an eternity. Yet here I am: uncertain, uncaptivated and unable to perform. Have I become lazy ? I know what it feels like to have a fire inside you, and I know that I can work on keeping that aflame everyday. I just sincerely feel like i'm staring at a blank canvass with no clue where to move my brush. I don't want to paint the wrong picture.